
Counterfort/Buttress Wall Dimensioning

After computing forces acting on the structure the program determines all internal forces in the verified cross-section (shear force Q and moment M) and then verifies the cross-section bearing capacity employing one of the settings selected in the "Wall analysis" tab.

Wall stem - horizontal direction

Maximal moment at the center of the span between counterforts/buttresses at the front side of the wall stem:

Maximal moment at the counterfort/buttress at the backside of the wall stem:

Maximal shear force:




average stress at the backside of the wall stem



counterfort/buttress spacing

Wall stem - vertical direction

Maximal moment at the center of wall height at the front side of the wall stem:

Maximal moment at the bottom at the backside of the wall stem:

Maximal shear force:




stress at the bottom at the backside of the wall stem



wall height



counterfort/buttress spacing

Wall jump - buttress wall

Maximal moment at the center of the span between buttresses at the upper side of the wall jump:

Maximal moment at the buttress at the bottom side of the wall jump:

Maximal shear force:




maximal stress under wall jump



buttress spacing

Wall heel - counterfort wall

Maximal moment at the center of the span between counterforts at the upper side of the wall heel:

Maximal moment at the counterfort at the bottom side of the wall heel:

Maximal shear force:




maximal stress under wall heel



counterfort spacing

Counterfort / Buttress of the wall

Counterfort / Buttress is verified as rectangular cross-section. Calculation of internal forces is the same as for wall stem of the cantilever wall. Internal forces are multiplied by the loading width l+b (counterfort/buttress spacing + counterfort/buttress thickness).

Internal forces at places of other checks (Wall heel - buttress wall, Wall jump - counterfort wall) are calculated in the same way, as for cantilever wall.

Wypróbuj GEO5. Bezpłatnie.